
(Reporter correspondent INDUSTRY AND ching-kuo lin Yang Yang) a female graduate student claiming 80 professors, graduates entering false promises to arrange a good unit of work, on suspicion of fraud more than 30 million people XingJu.

In June, Lee met through friends a Jiaozhao plum "Professor", the other was only 20 years old, but claimed to be a professor Employment Training Department, Jilin University, Beijing is responsible for regional operations. "Professor Zhao 'promise: After Lee's daughter through training, can be placed in the airport security department. Mr. Yu Shili paid "Professor Zhao" Employment fees, training fees totaling 45,000 yuan, after a three took the opportunity to Yantai,giubbino woolrich, Shandong Province, to find the so-called "training base."

In the "training base", Lee's daughter met a few students, they have been "Professor Zhao" ready to introduce the General Administration of Posts and Telecommunications, Civil Aviation Administration of work, but after a week of training students only learn nod, bow and other actions, never have been trained with their job-related knowledge. Mr. Li, "Professor Zhao," the other said their daughter had found a job General of Posts and Telecommunications.

So a person has the opportunity to return to Beijing, when Lee's daughter rushed to report, but found a new job is only responsible for building sanitary cleaning staff, the monthly wage is only $ 800, not the other promised "stable high-paying" job. In mid-November, Lee Fang City to Fengtai Public Security Bureau police station.

December 2 in the afternoon, the police investigation, a district in the Pacific Bridge will Zhao Mei captured. Zhao Mei, 28, read in graduate school, in 2003 and a half year sentence for fraud.

Then the police opened this woman "insider fraud": Professor Zhao Mei last year claiming to be graduates can arrange to enter the name of public institutions charge fees ranging from 3000-40000 yuan to the victim cheated; then Find a Job in the form of labor export, that the child victim of arrangements on the Internet to enter the employing units engaged in cleaning staff, waiters like to work again deceived the victim from taking their children to earn export of labor costs.

When police checked the residence of Zhao Mei, Zhang found that more than 20 words "employment fee" receipts "training fees" and other charges of the project. December 3, fraud suspects Zhao Mei XingJu.

The police need to find the victim, to verify the facts of the case, if the masses similar experience please contact Fang City police station. Tel: 67624532,67628837, Contact: Don officers. J151