the other asks

Pictured: Witnesses demonstrate her mother lying on the ground where the master position (reporter Liu everyone Raochun Wu Chang)
□ reporter intern Zhang Heng Raochun Wu Liu everyone
Help people anxious female rider to hospital
Yesterday morning, Ms. Hanyang District, west of the village of 41 blue cloud level call the newspaper,abercrombie pas cher, a mother lying on the ground, because she thought she was the sky, put her mother rushed to the hospital and spent more than 7000 yuan, and later found that he was not the perpetrator.
41-year-old Ms. Lan Yun Ping,scarpe hogan outlet, at 8:20 on June 15th or so, she was riding a bicycle, I want to go to Hanyang II Metro Bridge Street Guoxin community committees to work, residential entrance is a small downhill, downhill spontaneous Morning formed early in the morning bustling.
Lan Yun-ping, recalled that when she was cycling downhill, someone touched her bike. So she hurried to the right direction of play, bike in the right clothing Tanqian stop. Then she saw a mother crooked Tanqian clothing sitting on the ground, grimacing attracted passers talking about. ! "Her mother's daughter came over and pushed me to seize the" Lan Yun-ping said that she was very scared, thinking that they got into trouble, and her mother said: "If it is my responsibility,hogan uomo outlet, I will be responsible in the end! "
Lan Yun-ping will bring her mother to a nearby medical institutions. After film examination, 74-year-old mother into the right radial fractures, doctors recommend that you immediately go to the big admissions to hospital. Subsequently, the blue cloud level will become mother sent love Wuhan General Hospital.
Through chat that her mother surname into her big daughter and niece Lee Wang,, also work Hanyang district two Bridge Street, Lan Yun-ping very familiar with them.
Care for three days to pay five thousand
Ms. Lan Yun-ping said, she accompanied her mother rushed to the hospital after universal love, the doctor told her mother in hospital. "I immediately pay 3000 yuan hospital charges!" Lan Yun-ping told reporters that he was too busy to run up and down the hospital, just know that with the doctors.
Due to busy work in their own communities, daughter face in the exam,nike requin tn pas cher, the old mother to take care of nearly eight years late, rushed to the San Lan Yun-ping in Yunxi the phone, so he rushed over to help her look busy. On the 15th night, their third brother from Yunyang County rushed to the hospital to take care of her mother instead of Ms. Lan. The next day, Lan Yun-ping rushed to hospital has to pay 2000 yuan hospital charges. "With her hospitalization vanities, toothbrushes and other necessities of life,louboutin sito ufficiale, as well as travel and living expenses to and from the hospital,tn requin pas cher, I spent a total of more than 7000 yuan." Lan Yun-ping said. "June 17 morning, when I go through the morning rush Tanqian,tiffany outlet, some people say I'm too sweet potato, and it caught my vigilance!" Lan Yun-ping asking passers and was told she did not hit her mother,hogan sito ufficiale, she was this suddenly remembered that he helped her mother when a body scrub, did not see a scratch or a bruise at the hospital.
June 17 afternoon,, the blue cloud level again go to the hospital, the doctor said to her mother needed surgery, to pay the cost of 15,000 yuan, the late fee required hospitalization.
Lan Yun-ping told reporters that since the witnesses that she did not butt, she should not be held responsible. June 18, she withdrew from the universal love and the third brother to the hospital.
Family mother repeatedly reminder fee
Lan Yun-ping reluctantly said, after she and a third brother to leave the hospital universal love,, a mother's family several times to call her, urging her to hurry to pay surgery.
Lan Yun-ping side call recording his mouth open, June 18 at 10 am,scarpe hogan outlet, a phone call to her mother's relatives, clearly said to her: "Do you think of a way to borrow money, the elderly to surgery, are you a bowl ! The "Lan Yun-ping, said she did not want to explain their responsibilities, the other asks:"??? You learn from Lei Feng you want to pass the buck-passing or want. "
June 18 afternoon,, a reminder fee mother's family again, she said he did not borrow. "You promised to pay Yeah, tomorrow 9:00 enough people, you try!" Ms. Lan said the other words on the phone to no good.
At 9:00 on June 23,louboutin homme, Ms. Lan mother again received into the family's phone, the other asked her: "!! You these days it flies pretty comfortable old lying in the hospital, you do not look at the" blue For Ms. argued that he has no responsibility, the other party was asked: "? You did say that they were in trouble, and now dare to swear"
In this regard, a mother of two sons of an interview with reporters, said Mr. Zhang, Ms. Lan in front of him and the doctor's face, and her mother, said sorry to bear all the costs, and now have an operation to be 1.5 million,, has begun to "passing the buck" So his heart a little fire.
Mr. Zhang explained that, because of their relatives and blue ladies are known for years,, early communication between both sides is good, if Ms. Lan financial difficulties can be negotiated. Mr. Zhang stressed that he and his family did not embarrass Ms. Lan, such as to know that her daughter this year to participate in the exam, these days it does not give her a call!
Her mother lying on the ground saying different
11 o'clock yesterday morning, reporters rushed to the incident to the west of the village in front of Hanyang 41 morning interview, businesses and citizens of dozens of people gathered around, have for Ms. Lan Yun-ping "grievance." Among them, Miss Zhang Aiyun master and who is away from the scene recently of merchants.
Miss Zhang Aiyun clothing stall told reporters that morning so many people,abercrombie femme, her mother was crowded lines down in front of his stall, bicycles are not bumped her mother, she was afraid of "tell" her mother dared Qufu,nike tn pas cher,, cycling female help her mother is doing the right thing.
Clothing stalls opposite is a dry stall, stall where Si Qin told reporters that he witnessed a middle-aged man dressed in black, on the road suddenly turned and hit the mother, when he got up and ready to lift her mother, a Bicycle reaching around her mother,hogan sito ufficiale, when her mother fell, she had four or five meters away from the bike. "Fortunately, I did not help him, otherwise I also can not get away!"
At noon yesterday, the reporter went to the hospital universal love,hollister soldes, a mother lying on the bed thinking clearly, she told reporters,, because I live in the Rose Garden Village, in the morning to buy food in the hair after her daughter walked in behind her. "Suddenly something hit my left side, with his right hand stays lead to fractures when I fall down!" As her mother recalled, she looked up to see a bike at his side, behind the daughter is also seen to hit the bike. A mother believes that they do not have a bike wheel imprinted,hogan 2014, because nothing on the bike tire dust.
Parties involved in the investigation
After the incident,nike air max outlet, Lan Yun-ping Hanyang traffic brigade rushed to the accident squadron,tiffany milano, requires police to investigate the matter. The traffic control department, said he needs to see in order to monitor and confirm the visit. From her mother fell into a number of sites meters away, just to have a monitoring probes,hogan sito ufficiale, probe the incident unfortunately higher perspective, the process did not get the fall.
Then, call 110 blue cloud level, and to reflect the Hanyang Bridge police station,air max pas cher, the police of the pipe Yuan scene investigation officers, two from the nearest shops and Miss Zhang Aiyun chef who were made a record.
Yesterday afternoon, Yuan police officer told reporters on the phone, he went to the scene investigation, some traders said the bike did not hit her mother,scarpe hogan outlet, and the acquisition of appropriate written materials. Yuan police said there has not been a mother and their families get in touch with him.
In this regard, a mother of two sons Zhang believes that the incident at the door Lan Yun-ping district live, do not rule out that she give these businesses "to do the work." Zhang said he hoped the police involved in the investigation, the responsibility falls on the mother identified.
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