the contents of which there are two very warm

All media reporter Zheng Xinru & nbsp; & nbsp; sails verification reports Nanchang named old Bowen recently published an article entitled "Nanchang buses do not always make life difficult with the elderly." In his blog, he wrote in a blog post with When commuting wife was denied the use of the elderly experience free card. Bowen, Du said he and wife in the morning on the 17th eight fifty-five in front of a hospital in Nanchang Road,hogan interactive,, 28822 33 aboard the bus, the car was not many people. After Mr. Du and his wife in the car, with older ride free card brush the card,abercrombie pas cher, but the driver was a ton of bricks,hogan sito ufficiale, insisted that Mr. Du pay. Said it was because of this time is rush hour,,hogan uomo, the elderly have to pay to ride.
Experienced such a thing,louboutin femme, let Doo and feeling uncomfortable,scarpe nike air max, carefully read the "Tips" old free rides on the card after his return home,nike tn,, the contents of which there are two very warm: "reduced mobility should accompanied by his family car,interactive hogan, when double-decker bus ride,nike tn air, in order to do your security story,,louboutin homme pas cher, please take a seat in one,hogan interactive, pay attention to safety. "" Please rush hour bus ride to stagger the peak time 7:30 :( -9: 17:00: 00-18: 30; except holidays).
These two apparently content to travel in order to be considered safe for the elderly,tiffany outlet on line, worry evening rush hour crowded car, the car will be pushed to the elderly,tn pas cher,, but the scene does not ban Doo ride experience reminded him: "Do not cross the peak of the old car the money will not be pushed to the fall of? these two tips in the end is a proposal or ban? Is this a denial of a three-hour bus ride with the right to the elderly every day? "
Department Response: old car belongs to a case of pay periods in order to protect the elderly safety reminders
Yesterday,abercrombie france, the reporter saw an article published in time for an October 26,scarpe hogan, 2006 of the "seventy years of age or older and annual passes Rush Guide" article in Nanchang, Jiangxi bus company's website. Reporter then call the bus company's service hotline Nanchang, that older cards at any time to take the appropriate bus routes are effective. The staff told reporters, "For the sake of safety of the elderly,tiffany roma, we recommend companies try to avoid the peak of the elderly passenger car,louboutin femme pas cher,, while the old and infirm,air max online, the disabled and the elderly sick when someone accompany ride."
Answer Nanchang by the bus company's documents and customer service staff,hogan milano,, we learned that Daw at rush hour by bus and then pay to belong to brush Seniors Card Case. But this we can see the contradiction in the rush hour ride elderly has revealed it. So in the end whether the elderly can use the free card in rush hour free ride it? Many netizens commented, many users expressed in the comments,, the elderly is best not to rush hour free card holders crowded bus, a bus transport is very limited ability to influence workers to work,tn pas cher, and the other is a very crowded train Elderly very prone to accidents.
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